Copyright, Disclaimer and Contact


This site is provided as a shared resource for prospective EV purchasers and those who are new to the world of battery-powered electric vehicles, also known as BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles), more commonly referred to simply as EVs.

The information presented in this site is based on our personal experiences with EV ownership, travel and learning, generally on the South Coast of NSW, Australia.

The text below provides what is commonly referred to as ‘the fine print’ – information relating to copyright and disclaimer issues.

References to “this site” refer to the domain, any redirected domains, and any sites or services containing syndicated reproductions of the information from this domain.

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Any ideas, opinions or views expressed within the pages of this site may be, or may not be, those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or views of any other persons or organisations, including but not limited to the author’s employer, colleagues, family, friends, or equipment suppliers and manufacturers.

The material on pages within this site provides general information only, and may change without notice. This material is not intended as personal advice and must not be relied upon as such. You should make your own inquiries and take independent advice tailored to your specific circumstances prior to making any decisions.

Links to other web sites from within the pages of this site are provided for general information only. The author of this site makes no recommendations concerning the information presented within other websites, and is not responsible for any advice, equipment, software, hardware, or associated recommendations that may be provided by the publishers of those sites. Any opinions expressed by the authors of linked external sites do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or viewpoints of the author of this site.

All information published within this site relating to the use of any vehicles, accessories, devices, software, hardware, materials or processes is provided in a general context only. No vehicles, accessories, devices, hardware or software should be purchased, installed or configured without consultation with personnel who have specific professional expertise in the category of vehicle, accessory or device being purchased, configured, or installed, and the owners of the vehicle.

Any information contained in this site regarding EV ownership, configuration, charging or travel is general in nature only, and should be considered in the context of your particular environment, in conjunction with advice from industry representatives who have specific knowledge of your circumstances and requirements.

Unless otherwise stated, all materials in this web site may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, provided that the source is explicitly acknowledged. The reproduction of material from this site under the name of another person or organisation, or for commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited.

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Please refer any suggestions or questions relating to this site to the author via the following email address….
