Plans for EV network expansion between Broken Hill & Adelaide

Councillor with NRMA chargerWhile NSW’s electric vehicle network enables more than 1,000 kilometres of travel from Broken Hill to Sydney, the much shorter journey to Adelaide is a different story.

With no Barrier Highway infrastructure in place, electric vehicle users must take their chances and detour through the Clare Valley, 394km from Broken Hill.

While some models can cover up to 500km, others can only do up to 400km. (Or less!)

It has led Broken Hill councillor Darriea Turley to write to the South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas and the SA government for help.

“For some of the leaders in Adelaide they may not realise the amount of traffic that is on the road from Adelaide to Broken Hill and beyond,” Cr Turley said.

“Sometimes governments need reminders that we’re here, it’s a road used more than any other I would imagine in South Australia in a lot of ways.”

Meanwhile, there are plans to add a second charging station in Broken Hill due to public demand.

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Revealed: Australia’s fossil car industry efforts to stop EVs

Fossil fuel cars in queueA report from InfluenceMap sheds new light on the efforts of Australia fossil car lobby – under the auspices of the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) – to weaken Australia’s proposed vehicle emission standards and slow down the uptake of electric vehicles.

The new report, titled The FCAI and Australian Climate Policy draws on more than 500 pages of previously unseen documents from Freedom of Information requests, and reveals how the FCAI had confidential briefings to government officials and bureaucrats in their efforts to stop or weaken climate policy.

It also reveals how it worked with other fossil fuel lobby groups as part of its plan to dilute climate policy.

“This behind-the-scenes effort shows the automotive industry adopting a similar playbook to the oil industry to weaken climate rules aimed at promoting battery electric vehicles,” says InfluenceMap program manager Ben Youriev.

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Federal Electric Vehicle strategy released

EV ChargingThe Australian federal government has released its first electric vehicle strategy and outlined how it plans to remove barriers to buying EVs.

The three focus areas for the government are

    • the supply of EVs;
    • the systems and infrastructure needed to support EV uptake;
    • demand from drivers for EVs.

According to the strategy, there are six expected outcomes:

    • a greater choice of EVs;
    • a reduction in transport emissions;
    • increasing ease of charging EVs nationally;
    • an increase in local manufacturing and recycling of materials;
    • making EVs more affordable;
    • making it cheaper for people to run their vehicles.

The other key pillar of the strategy is the plan to introduce a fuel efficiency standard, which requires car makers to meet certain emissions limits for their entire fleet or else face penalties.

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Queensland introduces Australia’s largest EV subsidy

EV ChargingEligible motorists in Queensland can now apply for a $6000 rebate on the purchase of any new sub-$68,000 electric car – the most generous subsidy of any Australian state or territory.

The Queensland Government announced its electric-car subsidy has been doubled from $3000 to $6000, while the maximum dutiable value of an electric or hydrogen car also increased by $10,000 to $68,000 plus on-road costs.

The increased subsidy expands the number of zero-emissions cars which are eligible for the rebate from eight to 20 -now including the Tesla Model 3, Australia’s best-selling electric vehicle.

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